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Atayef in the Air-Fryer

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My mother-in-law makes the best atayef in the world…especially the ones made with walnuts. For those of you not from this part of the world, atayef are basically pancakes that are stuffed with different fillings and then fried before being doused in a flavorful sugar syrup. 

Now I don’t shy away from those traditional sugary deep-fried morsels of heaven…however, if you can’t stop at just the one, maybe it’s a good idea to try and come up with a healthier version. And I never have just one. Thankfully my method results in atayef that are just as satisfying if not better than the fried ones, thanks to my air-fryer.

You can fill them with a traditional walnut filling as detailed below, or try it with cashew pudding that tastes just like “ashta”, or even healthy nutella if you’re more into chocolate. If you are making only the walnut filling, you will need 1/2 kilo of atayef. If you are making both 14fillings, you will need 1 kilo.

Atayef in the Air-Fryer

Cook Time: 15min
|prep Time: 15min
| total Time: 30min
| servings: 14


1/2 kilo ready made atayef, I get mine from here in Kuwait

Walnut Cinnamon Filling:

1 cup (115g) walnuts, finely chopped

1/3 cup (75g) coconut sugar or brown sugar

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 

1/2 teaspoon orange blossom water 

1/4 teaspoon rose water 

neutral oil



  1. If you plan on using the cashew pudding, then make it in advance and let it cool in the fridge for at least one hour until very firm before using.
  2. To make the walnut filling, simply mix all the ingredients together.
  3. Fill each pancake on the bubbles side with about 1 heaped teaspoon (or more depending on the size of the pancake) then close to make a crescent shape pressing the edges to seal well. Place on a tray in the freezer until firm then bag them to make later. Otherwise, you can proceed straight to the next step to bake.
  4. Place the atayef in the air-fryer, make sure not to over-crowd the fryer basket, and spray with oil or brush with any neutral oil. Bake for 5 minutes at 160C. Then spray/brush again, brushing with some warmed honey this time and then return for another 5 minutes. Then repeat again the oil and honey, and return for a final 5 minutes. Make sure to adjust the time based on your appliance and atayef size.
  5. Serve warm with more honey drizzled on top.

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