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Slide I’m so glad you are here. Hello friend!
My name is Arwa and I love, breathe and of course, eat ALL food…I enjoy it without any guilt, and I want the same for you too
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Screenshot 2021-05-11 at 22.12 (2)

My passion for food started as a love for baking.
With my family’s support, I opened Crumbs
bakery in Kuwait back in 2008.

There was a time when I would count calories, go on one diet after another, spend hours in the gym, and weigh myself every day! There was also a time that I would go on different plans in pursuit of health - detox, intermittent fasting, gluten-free, sugar-free.

That was all a waste of time and energy! And for what?
Any weight loss was only short-term.
Any health benefits would be cancelled out by the stress caused.
And of course, all that money wasted!

My passion for health did mean I trained to be a health coach and thankfully I had already started to break free from dieting and listen to my body. And I quickly realised I wanted to take a non-diet weight-neutral approach to health. Because dieting is a losing battle for more than 90% of people. So I got trained and certified in Intuitive Eating. .

I became passionate about spreading awareness about the harms of dieting and how applying the Intuitive Eating principles can help you be happier and healthier. This opened the door to being approached by many with eating disorders. I realised there are so many women in the Arab world, especially young girls, that need help. And this led to my becoming a CCI Eating Disorder Recovery Coach.

I love to help people through social media, webinars, courses, and both private and group coaching to find a joyous way towards health and vitality through healing their relationship with food and body.

Thank you all for visiting my website and for including me in a part of your life. I hope we inspire each other to lead a healthier and more purposeful lifestyle.


Slide HEALTH COACHING work with you. I offer both private and group health and wellness coaching to help break free from dieting, find food freedom, and recover from disordered eating. I have been certified and trained in both Intuitive Eating and eating disorder recovery.
Living a healthy life shouldn't be difficult or a struggle. It should be fun and enjoyable! That's my goal for you.
Find out more My name is Arwa, and I would love to Hello, I’m so glad that you are here.