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I Love Exercise! Top Tips to Love it Too

I just finished a session at the recently opened Orange Theory Gym in Kuwait. I haven’t joined a gym in years…it’s been so long I honestly can’t remember when I was last a member at any gym. I was a bit worried that I wouldn’t be fit enough, that I wouldn’t keep up with the class, or that it would be too challenging. I’m happy to report that I found out that I’m relatively quite fit.
While I was running on the treadmill (and by the way I hate running) I started thinking of how I’ve been regularly exercising for over 20 years…gym or no gym. My university friends always like to joke how I made them go to a step class every Saturday morning at 9am! And once I graduated and left London, none of them ever went. So probably other than those postpartum 2 weeks after giving birth to Lulu and Noura, I’ve been exercising on a regular basis, no exceptions, even on holiday.
Exercise isn’t the same for everyone. To me it’s been so many different things at different points in my life. But the tips I’ve listed below will help you find what works for you, otherwise you won’t stick to it.
  1. Regular is the key!
Many people fail at maintaining an exercise routine because they take an all or nothing approach. It’s either an hour at the gym every day or nothing. It’s either running or sitting on the coach all day. Why can’t it be 30 minutes at the gym 3 days a week? Or a walk on the beach with your BFF? What’s important is that you move regularly. A little here and there adds up more than you think.
  1. Make it a habit

If I don’t exercise I feel something is missing. That’s because with time it has become a habit. It’s like praying 5 times a day, or brushing your teeth. Research has shown that it takes 2 months on average to form a new habit. This may seem like a long time, so let’s move on to the other tips to help you stick with it.

  1. Change it up
If you’re always doing the same thing, chances are you will get bored and skip it. I’m always finding new ways to workout, and that’s why I joined Orange Theory, I needed a change from working out at home. I’ve been working out at home for years now, but when I feel I need a change or a bit of a push I would schedule some sessions with a personal trainer or go to a  Zumba or Yoga class.
  1. Entertain yourself

Hello, my name is Arwa and I’m a YouTube addict. When I’m working out at home, I watch my favorite YouTubers and makes my workout more fun and go by faster. Any videos that require more listening than watching, say like a Ted Talk I’m interested in, I would save it in my While Walking playlist, and just listen to it when I go for a walk. I used to listen to Podcasts, but many podcasts like Michael Hyatt is on YouTube, so I rarely listen to podcasts anymore. Some people love audio books, but I’m not a fan. However I do enjoy listening to shortened audio non-fictional books using Blinkist. This is how I like to keep myself entertained while exercising. But for you it might be different…maybe it’s music, or your favorite TV show. Just make it interesting and fun for you, you will find yourself looking forward to the workout.

  1. Keep it short
Not enough time is no longer a valid excuse for not exercising. Science now supports burst training (also known as HIIT – High Intensity Interval Training)  as the most effective form of exercise…we are talking as little as 4 minutes a day! The key is to go all out giving your maximum for 30-60 seconds, and then recovering for 20 seconds or so, before you go all out again. Studies have proven that this type of training is more efficient at burning fat then spending an hour on the treadmill.
  1. Remember your why!

As part of Michael Hyatt’s goal-setting corse, he emphasizes how important it is to keep the reasons behind any goal you set front and centre. It’s also important to note what would be at stake if you don’t achieve your goal. I exercise because it makes me feel good, helps me maintain my weight, sleep better and a whole list of other reasons. But what’s at stake if I don’t exercise? Of course my health…but deep down it’s being there for my kids. Being able to run around with them, and healthy enough to take care of them for as long as I can.

  1. Find your Mojo

As mentioned in the first tip, you won’t benefit unless you stick to working out regularly. So find what type of workout makes you happy. Some of you might be thinking sitting on the coach and watching TV makes me happy, but I beg to differ. I believe that everyone has their mojo…the type of workout that they would enjoy…you just need many different types until you find it. I’ve never enjoyed playing a sport, so there is no way my workout is going to be playing soccer or basketball. I also do not enjoy running or jogging, and I prefer my workouts to be 40mins or less. Knowing what I don’t enjoy, I can focus on what I do enjoy, and make it even more fun with tip no. 4, and the next and last tip.

  1. Cute-ify yourself

Okay this tip won’t be very useful to male readers….sorry guys. But workout fashion now is unbelievably cute, and available in so many price ranges. So having some attractive workout wear will get you motivated to workout and out the door.  I’m a huge fan of Sweaty Betty, it’s not cheap but the quality and design is unbeatable.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. Which tip resonated with you the most? What workout hacks do you use? And what motivates you the most to move?

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