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My Experience with Best Year Ever

Most of my close friends will know that I’m a huge Michael Hyatt fan…he’s my “If you could have anyone over for dinner who would it be?” person. I would want to meet his wife Gail…so she would be invited also. Now what would I make for dinner? Wait…this isn’t a post about food!

It’s been so long I can’t even remember when I first came across Michael Hyatt…but I read almost every blog post, listen to every podcast, I have all of his books…so when he released his goal setting course Best Year Ever (BYE) naturally I joined it for 3 years consecutively. I even bought it as gifts for my friends.

So what is it about BYE that’s different?

  1. When you pay you commit: It is an online course starting at $197 (KD60)…the fact that you are willing to pay for it means you are more serious than someone who just jots done some goals on a piece of paper.
  2. Emphasis on your WHY: The course is broken down into 5 days (but you can do it at your own pace). Each day you receive a video with a lesson plan. You work through it before you move on to the next day. The course starts by looking at your past year, moves onto what may be holding you back, teaches you the importance of setting meaningful goals, and digs deep into WHY you want to achieve each goal. The emphasis on the WHY is what becomes your motivation moving forward.
  3. Takes a 360 degree view of your life: It teaches you to seriously look at your life from all angles, and the importance of setting career, health, financial, family and spiritual goals. Not sure how you score in each of these life domains? Michael Hyatt has created an easy and quick online self-assessment tool that’s effective in helping you measure where you are in each domain of your life. It shows you where you’re excelling and where you should focus your improvement efforts. But you can only get the assessment for a limited time. It’s FREE, so check it out today! If we don’t measure those areas of life, it’s hard to improve them. You have to know where you are now before you can move beyond it.

Each goal can have a positive effect on the other. For example, let’s say your health goal is to incorporate 30minutes of exercise into your day on a daily basis. This goal will help you with your family goal if you use that time to go for a walk with your spouse, or play a sport with your child. It can also help your career goals as you will sleep better and get more accomplished during your day.

Doing the BYE course has had so many positive benefits that when Micheal Hyatt’s team asked if I would like to become an affiliate, of course I jumped at the chance!


To start off and get you in the mood…Michale has prepared an awesome PDF for you, make sure you download it while it’s still available. Who knows, maybe you’ll pick up a few tips that will help you jumpstart your 2018. ?

And to learn more about Michael’s approach to goal-setting, listen to this Podcast – The Beginner’s Guide to Goal Setting.

Wishing you the best 2018 ever!

P.S. The LifeScore assessment is only available for a limited time! Michael usually just rolls it out for a few days each year, so take advantage while you can.

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