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The 7 Benefits of Journaling

I’ve been journaling for so long, I honestly can’t say for sure how I started. I was a teenager and I guess it was a thing teenage girls do. But I do remember reading about it’s benefits in one of my beloved teen magazines…as opposed to watching a video on YouTube or seeing a cool post by a favorite influencer on Instagram…where teens seem to get most of their info nowadays.
There were times when my journaling was daily in the morning, or before bed. And there were times when it was more sporadic and mainly when I was going through something tough or especially important and I needed to write to help me figure stuff out. Now it’s a weekly 1 hour session every Friday. I look forward to it and always feel great after.
I will share with you shortly the benefits I have gained from regular journaling. But first I would like to mention that although I journal only once a week, the habit has already been ingrained in me over the years. If you are new to journaling however I recommend you journal daily for a minimum of 30 days before gradually reducing the frequency. And although I don’t journal daily in the traditional sense, by using my favorite planner I feel I’m having a mini journaling session by writing out three things I’m grateful for, what I’m looking forward to in the day, and a daily affirmation.
So here are a list of benefits I have gained from journaling…
  1. Organizes your thinking especially when you have a lot going on and you’re trying to figure stuff out. Once you put it down on paper you stop being so overwhelmed, helps put things in perspective and clarifies the action steps you need to take.
  2. Write it down, make it happen is the title of a book by Henriette Anne Klauser where she explains that by writing down your dreams and ambitions, the likelihood of them coming true multiplies. Get clear on your goals and be as specific as you can. By writing them down your brain will more readily notice opportunities that come your way and will help you reach those goals.
  3. Fosters hope by minimizing the power of your fears. By writing down your worries, you are forced to think more rationally, and in turn things are no longer as bad as they seem. It puts you in a positive frame of mind which lessens the power of your fears even more, making you more confident to pursue your goals and unleash your creativity.
  4. Helps you focus on what is working in your life to attract more of it. The simple act of writing is almost like a prayer, it can turn us into a magnet for the things we want most in our lives.
  5. Being more grateful. Ensuring to write down what you are most grateful for in your life, on that day or week,  no matter the circumstance, means a happier less stressed and healthier fulfilled life. And in the long term, you are less likely to take things for granted.
  6. Writing helps you learn faster. Made a mistake? Want to make sure you learn from it? Write down about your experience. When you write down things you’ve learned, it helps them be engrained in your mind whether from experiences, books, courses, or a blog post.
  7. Your very own biography. Journaling allows you to record your life and look back on it one day.
Journaling is very personal, so experiment and find the style, time of day and frequency that suits you best. I choose my journal carefully…usually from PaperChase, preferably lined, and always using a black pen. Some people prefer to journal digitally using Evernote or Day One. Whatever way you choose, be consistent and you’ll reap the rewards in due time.
One last tip, for coffee (or tea) drinkers! I always journal with a cup of coffee. For some reason, it gets me in the mood to write…maybe it’s become a ritual and I associate journalling with sipping a cup of coffee. It might be some classical music for you…or some really comfy cute socks. Find that ritual to help you get in “the zone”.
Do you journal? Do you have a writing ritual? If so I would love to hear how it has benefited you and your rituals. Please share in the comments below.

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  1. khawla | 19th Aug 18

    اروى لما تكتبي لازم كل شي صار بيومك او الاشياء البارزة او المهمة اللي صارت لك ..ابي اسوي مثلك لاني ما مرة كتبت مذكراتي

    • Arwa Al-Turkait
      Arwa | 5th Sep 18

      مرحبة خولة. آسفة على التأخير بالرد. اكتب القليل عن الأشياء بيومي ..بس كم سطر بالمقدمة…والباقي يكون عن طموحاتي او الأفكار الي تدور في بالي او الأشياء الي ابي اغيرها في نفسي

  2. منال القريشي | 19th Aug 18

    اعتقد انني سأبدأ بممارسة هذا النوع من الكتابة لعل الظروف مناسبة جداً الان

    • Arwa Al-Turkait
      Arwa | 5th Sep 18

      الله يوفقج وبإذن الله تستفيدين وتستمرين??

  3. Lama | 21st Aug 18

    عزيزتي أروى.. أشكرك على التدوينة الاكثر من رائعه لانها بصراحه حمستني أكتب من جديد.. كنت اكتب من وقت ما كان عمري ١٥ او ١٦ سنه و بعد مرور كم شهر رجعت قرأتها و للأسف كنت دايما اكتب لما يصير عندي صداع نصفي (اعاني منه من طفولتي) فبعد القراءه صابني صداع و بعدها توقفت تمامااااا.. اتوقع خطئي اني كنت اطتب كل شيء بالتفصيل…بعد ولادة بنتي التانيه بدات اكتب مره من جديد بس فترع قصيره و توقفت بسبب كثرة المسؤوليات و لكن و بصراحه كل ما اقرأ فيها ابتسم و حتى اولادي مستمتعين فيها لانها تحتوي جزء من طفولتهم ..عندي ٣ مذكرات تنتظر مين يعبيها و تدوينتك جاءت في الوقت المناسب شكرا جزيلا

  4. Emy | 22nd Sep 18

    رائعه كلماتش وتشجيعك جميل

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