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Sweet Potato Toast 3 Ways!

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Sweet potato toast became so popular a couple of years ago, right after avocado toast was the rage. But guess what? They are both still super popular because they are delicious and nutritious. Sweet potato toast is especially if you are avoiding grains and/or limiting sugar.
There is no specific recipe here as it’s pretty easy and I will share ideas of my favorite ways to enjoy sweet potato toast below.

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And not only are you starting out with a healthy and nutritious base, but you have the opportunity to build on it with even more wholesome ingredients.
I prefer to use the US sweet potato with the orange flesh. However, most likely this method will work with other types of sweet potatoes. A medium to large and rounded sweet potato will work best for making toast.
After washing your sweet potato, carefully slice the rounded sides lengthways. I use the sides to make fries for the kids. Then slice 1cm thick planks lengthways. Depending on the size of your sweet potato, you will get between 2-4 pieces.
Now to cook the toasts you can either place them in your toaster until done, which is a good quick option. I prefer to bake them for a softer and sweeter result. To bake preheat your oven to 400F/200C. Place the sweet potato slices on a baking tray, spray or brush with oil (I use avocado oil) and sprinkle with salt on both sides. Bake for 15 minutes, turn over, then bake for another 15 minutes. And that’s it!
You can store in the fridge and use cold, or add your toppings and enjoy while it’s still warm.

Here are some of my favorite ways to enjoy sweet potato toast: ⁣

1. Smashed avocado, pomegranates seeds, pine nuts, sumac and a drizzle of pomegranate molasses.
Sweet potato avocado toast
⁣2. Nut or seed butter, sliced banana, and cacao nibs – the perfect sweet breakfast.  ⁣
3. Hummus, celery, dried cranberries, and sliced almonds.
AND for an extra boost in protein sprinkle some hemp seeds on top!
If you are not 100% plant-based, try it with sautéed greens and a fried or poached egg, or turn it into a pizza base by spreading some pizza sauce and mozzarella cheese on top before warming up in the oven until the cheese is melted. YUM!
How do you like your sweet potato toast? Let me know in the comments below.


Sweet Potato Toast 3 Ways!

Cook Time: 0min
|prep Time: 0min
| total Time: 0min
| servings: 0



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