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Slide I’m so glad you are here. Hello friend!
My name is Arwa and I love, breathe and of course, eat ALL food…I enjoy it without any guilt, and I want the same for you too
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My passion for food started as a love for baking.
With my family’s support, I opened Crumbs
bakery in Kuwait back in 2008.

I have two daughters, Lulu and Noura. When we first opened Crumbs, Lulu was 4, Noura wasn’t born, so it felt like the bakery was my second baby. Any parent who starts their own business will probably relate.

My passion for baking turned into a passion for learning. I would devour books, articles, blogs about running your own business and make many mistakes and learn from them. It wasn’t easy (still isn’t), but I would not trade this experience for the world. The people I’ve met through this process – customers, small business owners, suppliers, and most importantly, anyone who has worked at Crumbs have enriched my life in more ways than I can say.

By 2009 I was facing issues with my health; specifically, difficulty getting pregnant with several failed IVF attempts. Conventional medicine could not help me, and my learning focus shifted accordingly. I turned to natural methods, where I found a new appreciation and love for food. I chose to change the way I ate to a more plant-based, natural diet. At the time, there were a limited number of books and blogs to get recipe inspiration from, but I read and learned and experimented and enjoyed every minute of it.

I learned the importance of preconception care and applied it in every area of my life; physically, mentally and emotionally.

Thankfully, by the grace of God, Noura was born in June 2011. Since then I’ve made it a passion to share my love of health and delicious food with the world on here, YouTube and Instagram. As a Culinary Nutrition Expert, Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, and Intuitive Eating Coach,  I love to help people through social media, recipe ebooks, cooking classes and health coaching to find a joyous way towards health and vitality, without any restrictions..

Thank you all for visiting the blog and for including me in a part of your life. I hope we inspire each other to lead a healthier and more purposeful lifestyle.


Slide HEALTH COACHING work with you. I offer one-on-one health and wellness coaching that suits your needs. My method is to focus on practical approaches to reach your goals by making simple and sustainable changes in your lifestyle behaviours. Living well shouldn’t be difficult. It should be fun and enjoyable! That’s my goal for you. Find out more My name is Arwa, and I would love to Hello, I’m so glad that you are here.
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