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AnaArwa’s Coaching Questionnaire

AnaArwa's Coaching Questionnaire:
The purpose of this questionnaire is to determine if you are suitable for Arwa's Intuitive Eating coaching program. We will be in touch within 3 Days after you have completed the questionnaire to let you know the result. Please make sure to include your email and the phone number that has what's app. If you do not have what's app, we will be communicating with you via email. We will only be using your information to communicate directly with you and we will not share it with third parties. Kindly answer all the questions. For the last two questions please elaborate as best you can.

1. Your name*

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2. Age

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3. Your email*

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4. Country*

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5. Your Phone Number*

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6. How long have you been dieting?

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7. How often do you think about food in a day?*

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8. Do you finish your plate or overeat because it's hard to tell when you are full?*

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9. Do you "control" what you eat during the day/week and then lose control during the night/weekend?*

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10. What percentage of your day is preoccupied with thoughts about your weight and/or body?*

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11. Have you lost weight on a diet and regained the weight back?*

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12. Do you feel ashamed or guilty when eating certain foods?*

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13. Do you eat certain foods around people and other foods alone in secret?

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14. Do you find yourself eating for emotional reasons even though you are not hungry?*

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15. Do you use certain exercising, restricting, dieting, or external influences to manage weight?*

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16. Do you avoid bringing certain foods into the house because you think you'll overeat them?*

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17. Do you avoid going out with friends or going to family gatherings because you think you'll overeat?*

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18. In 6 months from today, what has to have happened, both physically and mentally, for you to feel happy about your progress?*

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19. Why do you think you are a good candidate for Arwa's Intuitive Eating coaching program?*

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