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How to Stay Healthy While on Holiday

Some people travel for the sights, nature, the cultural experience or even the shopping. I travel for the food, the food, and the food! If I don’t like the food in a country, I seriously will not enjoy the holiday no matter the sights or culture. Having said that, I may come back from a holiday with excess baggage, but never with excess body weight. I’m always surprised by how much people I know can gain weight while traveling…even in just 1 week they can put on 2-3 kilos.
It got me thinking…what am I doing (or not doing) that helps me enjoy what I eat while on holiday without putting on any weight? There have been times where I came back having lost weight.
While in Bali this summer I decided to be more aware of what and how I eat, so I can share my tips with you. Maybe by applying some of them, you can avoid the dreaded holiday weight gain. An important point to make though before we dive into my findings…everyone is different! If you enjoy indulging while on holiday and are confident that you will lose any weight gained once back to your normal eating habits and fitness schedule then go for it, as long as you are self-aware and are enjoying your meals guilt-free. If that’s you then don’t bother reading any further. However. if you want to make sure you don’t put on weight and stay on track with your health goals then read on.
So here’s what I found out…

Stop the Dieting Mentality

Dieting makes you feel deprived. And when on holiday you are usually not on a diet and therefore go to the other extreme and over-indulge…the opposite of being on a diet. Any thoughts about watching what you eat will bring back those “diet” induced feelings of deprivation and guilt…and what do those feelings lead to? Overeating even more. Instead, try not to view eating healthily while on holiday as deprivation. Replace those deprecating thoughts with something like this:
  • If I avoid the french fries I can have some ice cream later
  • If I have a light dinner I can go out for a special breakfast tomorrow and enjoy it more
  • I will take a break from dairy and gluten today as I’m feeling bloated
  • When I decline the bread and butter I enjoy my meal more
  • I have so much more energy to play with the kids when I eat healthily

Stock up on Healthy Snacks

Usually, before I travel I make sure I have healthy snacks with me until I am able to find options at our destination. On my Bali trip, I bought Zaater crackers and granola from Crumbs. And also took some dates, date balls, and herbal teas. Once we arrive and settle in I get the same type of snacks that are filling and nutritious…granola, nuts, crackers, and dried fruit. Ideally, you can find many options if there’s a health food store near where you are staying.

Don’t Fear Hunger

It’s okay if you’re hungry for a few hours if there are no healthy options available. I find this problem during family holidays. When we go to a theme park or recently in Bali while on an outdoor activity that takes almost all day. Theme parks tend to be the worst when it comes to healthy food options and in a place like Bali finding an option for decent food was challenging at times. I opt to just let myself get hungry until we are back at the hotel or the holiday home.  On one of our trips in Bali, we left so early I didn’t have breakfast. Until 7 pm that evening all I had was a mushroom latte, a couple of dates and nuts.
And guess what? I barely felt hungry. Of course, it’s much easier to do in a warm country than if it’s cold.

Daily Movement

You won’t find me hitting the gym while on holiday, no way! But I won’t be the one sitting by the pool all day either. Most of the trips we’ve taken as a family, or when I’m on my own,  involve a lot of movement and activity. I also would add in a quick morning walk and 20-30 minutes of yoga. I love it even more while on holiday as it’s the perfect way to enjoy the weather and get the to know the neighborhood we are staying in. So try and find ways to move in a way you would enjoy. It might be walking to your next destination instead of going by car, or how about a morning hike, or a swim in the pool. Maybe it’s playing tag with your kids in the park. Choose something fun and it won’t feel like exercise, and those extra 300 calories burned a day means the daily ice cream won’t end up as extra kilos.

12 hour Fast

Personally, I find this is easier to do while at home than on holiday. Dinner is usually later than ideal, and breakfast earlier than I would like. I try my best though to wait 12 hours from dinner to having any food the next day. This way your body is given a break to digest all the food you’ve eaten and also give yourself a chance to get hungry again.

Opt for a Home if Possible

Gone are the days where hotels are the only option. For years now we have been renting homes through Airbnb or other similar websites for our family holidays, and even when I travel alone I opt for an apartment rather than a hotel if I’m staying for more than 3 nights. First of all, it’s generally less expensive than hotels. Secondly, you avoid those breakfast buffets at hotels that makes you eat when you may not be hungry or eat more than you normally would. Third and most importantly, you will have a kitchen which means you can prepare delicious and easy meals. Go to a supermarket and buy your favorite fruits and vegetables.
We usually have breakfast at home and go out for a late lunch/early dinner. You, therefore, end up eating less and also save a bit on your food spending. And when you do go out to eat, try and look for places that offer healthy options. There are so many places these days that offer vegan or gluten-free options, or farm to table type places.
If you do stay at a hotel, ask them to empty out the fridge in the room so you can some healthy options in there to enjoy during your stay.

Eat Intuitively

Listen to your body and eat when hungry and what you really want. Don’t have that gelato just because you’re in Italy if you’re not in the mood. But when you are craving that ice cream, enjoy every bite and don’t feel guilty. Leave the guilt back home, don’t take it with you on holiday!
Lastly and just as important is to relax and enjoy your holiday. It’s not what you do occasionally (aka while on holiday) that matters for your health, but what you do consistently every day that makes a difference to your health in the long-run.

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