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How Hypnobirthing Helped My Pregnancy and Birth Experience

I had a wonderful birth with Lulu but it was mostly by chance…and I strongly believe it’s because I didn’t take the edipural and generally don’t scare easily. Seven years later, I was determined and made a conscious effort to make sure Noura’s birth was even better. I took the same class Naseera speaks about below, and the day Noura was born was the best day of my life. Naseera’s experience is so similar to mine…and If you decide to use Hypnobirthing yourself, God willing, the day you give birth will be the best day of your life too. Arwa xx

I was always drawn to positive thinking and believed that the mind could control the body. In 2011 I took a training course in hypnobirthing and was blown away. I had no idea that visualisation and imagery would be able to direct a moms birth towards something empowering and calm. I mean, have you ever seen a women on screen calmly giving birth?? Birth is scary, painful and difficult, right?
I learnt that birth could, for most part be how you perceive it to be. So if you see it as painful and difficult then it probably would be. Your muscles, heart rate and physical body stiffens up when you feel scared. But if you direct your thoughts of birth by working through your fears and anxiety, and by building on thinking positively, focussing on your breath and consciously creating an ideal in your mind then you are more likely to have a birth more beautiful than you’ve ever witnessed on TV. When you are able to eliminate the fears, your body doesn’t respond in a fight or flight reaction, and therefore your heart rate is calm, your muscles are at ease, allowing an easier passage of birth.
Let me tell you my story…
My 3rd baby was a homebirth (in South Africa), I focussed on positive stories, meditation and breathing through my pregnancy and felt that birth was something to look forward to, a sacred and special time that was up to me to plan and create. Just like we have plans for our weddings, gatherings and birthdays parties, we plan it to perfection to ensure it will be joyous and memorable and then it happens similarly. I planned for having my doula, midwife and family present. I planned what I’d use as comfort measures and I discussed this with my caregivers. And while I did moan and groan as I gave birth, and I did feel the ring of fire and there was a time I felt I couldn’t go on, I was already giving birth, feeling fully supported and aware of the process, using my breath to bring me back to my ideal. And before I could think more about pain and discomfort I had already delivered my baby boy and was holding him against my chest.
My birth using hypnotherapy was my best birth. It was the birth all my friends thought I was crazy to have before it happened. And yet 4 years later I still look back on it as one of the most incredible days of my life, it fills me with awe, it lifts me up on days I feel down and on days I question my abilities. My birth has boosted my confidence as a women and a mother. It has influenced all spheres of my life in ways that I will always be grateful for. It set a foundation for me to confidently parent and live my life by applying the same concepts to other aspects of my life.
Being a teacher of hypnobirthing and a doula, I believe in being real while being positive. That means we need to be aware of the realities of birth, all kinds, and the possibility of unforeseen circumstances. The utopia of birth would be an image of a women almost looking dreamy and asleep as she delivers her baby. But this utopia may be far out of reach and therefore seem too improbable. So when people ask me about hypnobirthing and whether it helps to feel no pain or on the contrary pleasure, I’d say that hypnobirthing is a self-development journey, it teaches you to think positively and be able to accept whatever is out of your control, it empowers you to take charge of one of your most memorable times in your entire life by creating beautiful imagery and therefore becoming conscious of making your ideals your reality. Each person’s ideal and the reality they want will be different, and that’s the beauty. We all create what’s best for us. It need not resemble anyone else’s experience.

Birth Kuwait have organized a Hypnobirthing workshop starting on Thursday October 5th 2017. To register call +965 6623 4706 and check out their instagram for more information. 
Naseera is doula and hypnobirthing teacher. To work with her you can contact her by email on or check her instagram account @Ambaby_q8

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  1. Sara | 18th Apr 18

    I loved your post. My husband and I have been trying to have a baby for more than two years without success. Now we have started with fertility treatment and genetic tests. Do you know any genetic laboratory for our treatment? At the moment they have only recommended us, but we would like to have more options. Thank you very much.

    • Arwa Al-Turkait
      Arwa | 26th Apr 18

      Hi Sara. I don’t have much knowledge about genetic testing. However it doesn’t seem to provide help in terms of making your body (and your husband’s) more healthy to increase chances of getting pregnant and having a healthy baby through diet and lifestyle. To help me get pregnant with Noura I followed Iva Keene’s program. You can read all about it on her website

  2. Sara I | 30th Aug 18

    Thank you very much for your help! I’m gonna chek your link. What i see about them is that offer genetics tests for do during the ivf treatment like the PGD that allows to select and transfer to the patient only the embryos that are free from a specific inherited disorder: Also they have more tests and that’s what I need but I woul like to read opinions about that. Thanks!

  3. Kholoud | 2nd Nov 20

    شكرا أروى على المشاركة و على المدونة الحلوه كنت اتابعك من قبل خمس سنين و سمعتك تتكلمين عن تجربتك بالولادة وكيف كانت استثنائية و كنت اتعجب لان ولادتي ما كانت تمام ! اليوم بعد ٦ سنوات رحت ابحث عنك عشان اعرف ليش كانت تجربتك غير و اتمنى لو تكون تجربتي انا هالمرة مختلفه بعد الهروب الي كنت اسويه

    • Arwa Al-Turkait
      Arwa | 3rd Nov 20

      مشكورة خلود على مشاركتك الصريحة، بإذن الله استفدتي من المعلومات بالتدوينة. خل يكون عندك الثقة انك قادرة على تطبيق النصائح وربي يسهل عليك ??

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