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Are you a prisoner of dieting?

Perhaps a better title would be: 

Are you a prisoner of the dieting mindset? 

In her book, Maybe You Should Talk to Someone, the author, Lori Gottlieb, writes about a prisoner in a jail cell, shaking the bars, trying desperately to get out. But to their left and right, it’s open, there are no bars. There is a way out that they can’t see or refuse to. 

In real life, many of us are the same. We are trapped in our emotional prison. We only see one way out, when in reality there are many. We have lost hope. 

“Low-hope people” stick with one approach even when things are not working out, they are passive. They don’t learn from past experiences and adapt. They expect to do the same thing and get a different result. 

“High-hope people” on the other hand find multiple pathways to their goals. If something doesn’t work out, they try something different. Not reaching a goal is seen as an opportunity to learn and adapt and grow. 

So what does all this have to do with dieting? 

Anyone that has dieted more than once, or struggles with their weight, feels trapped. They feel that the only way to be happy, successful, and loved is by losing weight and conforming to an unrealistic ideal set by the harsh society we live in. They see only one way out. Losing weight. Being thin. 

In reality, they are not trapped. They have options. They can be free of the dieting cycle. They just have to be willing to see it. They need to have high hope and the courage to try something different. 

What is that something? It’s Intuitive Eating. 

A weight-neutral approach to a healthy lifestyle. It’s a way to improve your health by focusing on your behaviors. It’s being in touch with your hunger and fullness and really enjoying what you eat. It’s moving your body in ways you enjoy and not just to burn calories. It’s dealing with the ups and downs of life without resorting to food. 

My clients don’t want to go back to the prison of dieting once they have had a taste of the freedom that comes from escaping this prison. It’s a freedom I wish for everyone. 

If you feel you are ready to escape the prison of dieting, get in touch to find out how I can help you. 

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