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How to Eat Sweets Intuitively


I’ve always had a sweet tooth. I have very fond memories of certain desserts growing up, especially in the summer. KDD ice cream in the car while driving to the beach house on the weekend. A slice of apple pie with ice cream after a barbecue. Fresh strawberry and cream as we jump in and out of the pool. And the many times I would walk with my dad to get ice cream from the supermarket. That’s just from childhood. I have way more memories as I grew older and started baking and experimenting in the kitchen. But I won’t get into that. The point is that sweet food is part of celebration and building memories and special times with family and friends. Why deny yourself that? 

What does it mean to eat sweets intuitively? 

Eating what you really enjoy, eating it mindfully, really savoring it, and respecting your fullness. And here are some tips to applying this in Ramadan and everyday life. 

  1. Give yourself permission. If you restrict you will want it even more. 
  2. Ask yourself “What do I really crave?” or “What sounds special to me today?”  Once you decide enjoy it, keeping in mind the amount that will make you satisfied and still feels good physically. And if you can’t decide, maybe you need something else other than sweets such as a distraction or emotional support. 
  3. Eat mindfully. Once you’ve decided that you are craving something sweet and have chosen what it will be, be sure to take time to enjoy it. Be aware of the texture and the taste. Eat it with awareness that you have made the conscious choice to savor every mouthful. 
  4. Remind yourself there’s always more for later. With Intuitive Eating, there’s no diet in the future, and there are no rules to break. Therefore, there is no more ‘eat as much as you can now and diet tomorrow’ thinking. So once you are satisfied and comfortably full, tell yourself I can have more tomorrow or later, as you will most likely enjoy it more if you have it at a time when you are craving it again or not so full. 
  5. There are no mistakes! If you do eat a lot of sweets to the point of feeling uncomfortable for whatever reason, there is no need to feel bad or guilty about it. Just be curious. Learn from the experience and then move on. 

I hope these tips help you enjoy your desserts in Ramadan and beyond without a side of guilt. We all deserve to have sweetness in our l

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