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Are you ready to try Intuitive Eating?

Potential clients contact me and they are willing to go all-in with Intuitive Eating. Others are still hesitant, they still want to try just one more diet, before they ‘give-up’. Even though it’s not giving up, it’s letting go. It’s letting go of something that has failed them many many times. But it’s scary when there’s nothing to fill its place. That’s wh a good understanding of Intuitive Eating and/or working with a certified Intuitive Eating coach will help make this an easier journey. 

So if you are not sure, here are 4 signs that you are ready to stop dieting and give Intuitive Eating a chance: 

  1. You are tired of dieting – you just can’t stick to a new diet for as long as you used to. 
  2. Diets don’t work – it’s very clear to you now that diets don’t work long-term and you’ve lost hope that another diet will work. 
  3. You are thinking what can you do instead – you don’t want to diet but you’re afraid of what will happen if you completely stop. You’ve tried living a ‘healthy lifestyle’ but that didn’t work either which made you even more afraid.
  4. You are thinking of your children – you have begun to understand that you are not setting a good example to your kids by dieting. You have begun to see that your bad relationship with food was influenced by seeing your parents dieting and restricting. You realize that you can’t ensure your kids have a healthy relationship with food if you don’t have one yourself. 

We have a popular saying in Arabic, “Hold on to your crazy, because you might get someone crazier” that represents the fear of the unknown. It condones putting up with something ‘bad’ as at least it’s familiar and therefore safer. But you need to take a leap of faith and believe that you will figure it out, and I can help you whether through the content I share on my social media pages or through my one-on-one coaching. 

If you’re still not sure, why not fill out this survey, and I will get back to you with my honest opinion on whether or not you will benefit from Intuitive Eating health coaching.

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