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Habits for a More Success in 2019

There are so many books, videos and articles about the habits of highly successful people. No matter how much I’ve read or learned or gained over the years, I still have a lot to learn. These are my own habits, the ones I feel are the best for me personally. You take what applies to your life. And I encourage you to watch other videos, or read different books, until you can find the best habits to suit your lifestyle at this point in time.
  1. The early bird catches the worm

    • If you apply just one of these habits in 2019, make it to wake up earlier! Don’t have time to exercise? Wake up earlier. Kids won’t let you read in peace? Wake up before them and enjoy your book with a cup of coffee. Want to learn a new language? Wake up 30 minutes earlier and practice! Need more motivation, read this.
  2. Become a life long learner

    • Both Aristotle and Einstein said that the more we know, the more we realize how much we don’t know. So love the process of learning and enjoy the personal growth it brings with it! I love to learn by reading, but if you’re not a big reader no need to worry since there are so many other ways to learn in the digital age.. Watch a video, listen to a podcast, do an online course. Just make sure part of your day is committed to broadening your knowledge base.
  3. Move daily

    • We all know how beneficial exercise is for our health, but the benefits of moving our body doesn’t stop there. Exercise helps lower stress levels, improves your mood, increases your energy levels and helps you sleep better. For more motivation read these tips on exercising regularly.
  4. Practice daily gratitude

    • this is a big one! And it’s no coincidence that Surat AlFatiha, and we all know how it starts, is the one we repeat in every prayer. Being truly grateful puts you on the path to noticing and attracting more of what is good in life. I express gratitude during my morning prayers, then again I write down 3 things I’m grateful for when I do my plan for the day, and in the evening when I get into bed I go through my day and express gratitude for all the special moments no matter how simple.
  5. Eat your vegetables first

    • I don’t mean literally, but that’s sound advice too! What I mean is do those tasks you are avoiding before the fun work of the day. Once it’s out of the way, you will focus better on the rest of your day.
  6. Start a journal

    • I’ve been journaling for so long, now I just do it once a week, and it’s almost like having a session with a psychotherapist or life coach! It’s so calming and soothing, and makes you feel in control, and puts matters into perspective. They seem much less daunting and scary once they are down on paper and you’ve properly rationalized those annoying thoughts.
  7. Take care of yourself first

    • It’s not selfish to take care of yourself, as the Arabic saying goes “the deprived of something can’t give it”. How can you give love if you don’t love yourself? How can you take care of your family and loved ones, if you don’t care for yourself first? Especially when it comes to your children, when they see you taking care of yourself, you will be setting a good example for them.
  8. Get out of your comfort zone

    • This could be the scariest tip, but the most fun! We are all creatures of habit enjoying the same routine day in and day out. But it can get pretty boring over time! So commit to try something that makes you slightly uncomfortable every week in 2019. It could be as simple as going out to dinner on your own. It could be cooking healthy meals for yourself instead of ordering in. It could be starting a blog or YouTube channel.  it never goes back to its original size.
  9. Face the fear and do it anyway

    • Adopt the attitude “I would rather fail than regret not trying!”. You can’t live a truly fulfilled life if you don’t take risks. Yes you will fail, and it will hurt. But you will learn from your mistake and make a better decision next time. Start small and build your risk taking muscles, it will get stronger with time.

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