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How to Deal with Body Shaming Comments

I have noticed that the more support and the less body shaming there is in my client’s family and close relationships, the easier and faster their progress with Intuitive Eating. It’s very hard to let go of diet culture and the thin ideal if you are being judged for how much you weigh at weekend family gatherings, you get unsolicited dieting advice from co-workers, or your friends won’t stop talking about how much they hate their bodies every time you meet up. And this isn’t limited to fat-shaming comments, it’s also difficult and hurtful for anyone that is very thin and keeps being told to put on weight, or someone with curly hair being told to straighten it. Even someone that is taller or shorter than average would get comments that are pointless! 

The worst comments are the ones that seem like a compliment “I wish I had your height, but then I would never find a husband”. 

I’m sure you know that people that need to give out these judgemental and hurtful comments are insecure and unhappy. Because happy confident people don’t feel the need to put anyone down. But it still hurts. It still makes you dread seeing them. 

However, you don’t have to put up with it anymore. It’s time you stood up to them. For too long you have accepted body-shaming as if it’s normal, and now you know that it’s absolutely not!

I’ve listed below many ways to reply to these mean comments and once you stand up to yourself you will feel empowered and more confident. 

  • The only person whose opinion matters is mine
  • You must get so tired from interfering in other people’s lives. 
  • Thanks, I know you are trying to help. But your comment doesn’t help me at all.
  • I’m really concerned for you, you care so much about other people’s health, maybe you should just focus on yours.
  • It’s so sad that you can’t see past my (weight, hair, skin, height)
  • I would rather be (fat, thin, short, tall) than….(mean, judgemental, hurtful, inconsiderate)   
  • I expect that it would be easier for me to (lose weight, gain weight, fix my skin…) than it is for you to stop being (hurtful, judgemental, rude) 
  • I think you would be a much happier person if you didn’t care so much about other people (they might not get the sarcasm, but anyone in earshot will) 
  • I’m amazed about how concerned you are about me, because I don’t care about you at all. 

Let me know if you use any of these comebacks, and please share your own. 

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