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Vegan Biscuit Date Tahini Truffles

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Some recipes just don’t require much of an intro, because I seriously want you to get straight to the recipe. These truffles are that good and then some. Everyone loved them, young and old(er). It’s pretty simple especially if you use a ready made biscuit or even leave it out altogether. But I definitely recommend you take the effort to make the date tahini biscuits as a healthier alternative to the digestive or graham cracker, but healthier and vegan. You can add it to your kid’s lunch boxes, make some s’mores or crumble it to make a delicious cheesecake base. But most likely once you taste these babies, you’ll be using them up just to make the truffles.
A few notes on the ingredients…
It’s best if you have whole-wheat pastry flour, but whole-wheat flour or spelt flour or a mix with unbleached all-purpose will also work.
Date sugar takes great in these biscuits, but you can substitute it for coconut sugar instead or regular whole-cane brown sugar. Either case, it’s best to powder the sugar first for easy blending.
I went with date molasses to continue the date theme, but sugar cane molasses, honey or even maple syrup should also work.
Feel free to swap out the cardamom for cinnamon or maybe even a mix of chai spices if you prefer. Or even better a mixture of cinnamon, ginger, all spice and nutmeg and you’ve got yourself a healthy lotus biscuit. Okay clearly I need to make that myself and soon!
I used butter flavored coconut oil, but regular coconut oil should work also without adding too much flavor.
Enjoy!! Let me know what you think and if you have any questions just mention them in the comments below and I will get back to you very soon.


Vegan Biscuit Date Tahini Truffles

Cook Time: 0min
|prep Time: 0min
| total Time: 0min
| servings: 0

To make the date tahini biscuits:
  • 1/3 cup date sugar, powdered
  • 1 teaspoon cardamom powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoon buttery coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoon tahini
  • 4 tablespoon date molasses
  • 1 teaspoon vanila extract
  • 1-2 tablespoon water (or as needed)

To make the chocolate date truffles:

  • 3/4 cup soft pitted dates
  • 2 tablespoon tahini
  • pinch salt
  • 1/2 cup crumbled date tahini biscuits (about 60g)
  • 100g dairy-free dark chocolate (70% or more), chopped
For Garnish:
  • biscuit crumbs, cocoa nibs, toasted sesame seeds

To make the date tahini biscuits:
  1. Pre-heat the oven to 350F or 160C. Prepare a baking sheet with a silicone mat or parchment paper.
  2. In a medium bowl, stir together the flour, sugar, cardamom, baking soda, and salt.
  3. In a small bowl or glass measuring cup, stir together the oil, tahini, molasses and vanilla.
  4. Add the wet mixture to the dry and stir to combine, Add some water, only a tablespoon at a time just until the dough comes together to form a ball without crumbling.
  5. Roll out the dough between two pieces of parchment paper until about 1/2 cm thick. Cut into the the desired shapes. And place on the baking sheet. Any dough scraps can be rolled out again and place on the baking sheet.
  6. Bake the biscuits for 10-12 minutes until they start to brown on the sides and bottom. Their color won’t change so much since they start out with a brown color to begin with. The longer you bake the crispy they will be, so it also depends on what you prefer.
  7. Let them cool, they will become a little more crispy as the cool.
To make the chocolate date truffles:
  1. In a food processor add the biscuits and pulse just to break them into small pieces. You want to have a mix of small and bigger pieces and some crumbs. But no bigger than a pea. Transfer to a bowl.
  2. Place the pitted dates in a bowl and pour some boiling water on them just for a few minutes to soften. Drain well and then transfer to the same food processor as before (no need to clean it) with the tahini and pinch of salt. Blend until smooth(ish). Add the biscuit and pulse a few times just to combine.
  3. Take out a tablespoon amount of the date mixture and roll into balls. If the mixture seems too soft to roll into balls, place it in the fridge or freezer until it’s easier to roll. Once you have all your balls rolled, you should have about 12, place in the freezer to harden.
  4. In the meantime melt the chopped chocolate in the microwave or water bath. Take out the date balls, and dip into the melted chocolate to coat using a small fork, making sure to let any excess chocolate drip back into the bowl before placing the truffle on a silicone mat or parchment paper.
  5. Sprinkle your desired garnish before the chocolate hardens to make sure it sticks. Let harden at room temperature, or in the fridge to speed up the process.

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  1. Noha.K | 14th Jun 18

    كعادتك وصفاتك جميلة يا جميلة???

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      Arwa | 16th Jun 18

      مشكورة أختي من ذوقك والله ?

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    رااااائع يشهي حيل ويني عن مدونتك من زمان , يضل صالح لاي مده ؟

    • Arwa Al-Turkait
      Arwa | 31st Jul 18

      بالثلاجة لأسبوع ?

  3. Dragonxr | 31st Jul 18

    نتمنى تفتحون فرع لكم في الرياض

  4. Dragonxr | 6th Aug 18

    جربت الوصفه لذيييذه جداا وحتى بدون تشوكلت ألذذ ? شكرا اروى ❤️

    • Arwa Al-Turkait
      Arwa | 9th Aug 18

      بالعافية وحياك الله ?

  5. Tassadit | 2nd Sep 18

    الصحة اهم شيىء في حيلة الانسان لذلك شكرا علي هده الوصفات ونريد المزيد اله اعونك

  6. ام تركي | 20th Sep 18

    انا متابعه جديده … ماشالله جميله من كل الجوانب وجميله بوصفاتك

    • Arwa Al-Turkait
      Arwa | 21st Sep 18

      حياك الله أم تركي

  7. دلال | 11th Jun 20

    الطريقه جدا طويله وصعبه

  8. عايشة | 14th Aug 20

    يعطيج العافية ومشكوورة وايد عالوصفة

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    ان شاء الله بكرة اجرب اسوي الترفل

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