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Beet Bliss Balls & Wholesome Child Book Review

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Bliss balls, energy balls or whatever you like to call them are the beginner healthy dessert…it’s the easiest one to make, with simple ingredients, and also also very versatile to adapt to what you like or what ingredients you have available. If the concept of Bliss Balls is new to you…it’s basically a combination of dried fruit (usually dates) with a grain (usually oats) and nuts or seeds or both. They can also be nut-free or with a nut-butter. So you can really get creative with flavors and any additions that will give a nutritional boost such as nuts, seeds, spices and superfood powders.
Having said all that…making them with fresh beetroot and spinach sounded a little strange…but I was very curious to try. And I have been loving every recipe I’ve tried from The Wholesome Child book by Mandy Sacher.
Before we get to the recipe, let me tell you about the best children’s nutrition and recipe book I’ve ever come across. Mandy Sacher has truly created a great service to the world with her very informative nutrition and healthy eating guide with more than 140 family-friendly recipes, many of which are suitable for those following a plant-based, dairy-free  or gluten-free diet. Seriously, every parent MUST have this book and read it cover to cover, and Mandy if you every read this please have it translated into as many languages as possible…starting with Arabic. I have both the printed book and the kindle version. It’s organized into the following sections and steps, and each section has a wealth of charts, tips and recipes:
  1. Fussy Eating
  2. Shopping, Cooking & Kitchen Essentials
  3. Step 1: Swap to Whole Grains
  4. Step 2: Reduce Sugar
  5. Step 4: Boost Protein
  6. Step 5: Healthy Fats
  7. Step 6: Balance Fruit
  8. Step 7: Rethink Dairy
  9. Step 8: Avoid Nasties
In her book, Mandy explains how to train children’s taste-buds to enjoy nourishing, nutritionally beneficial foods as early as possible to ensure optimal development and establishment of lifelong healthy eating behaviors. As a Pediatric Nutritionist who has worked with many parents, she also explains in her book how to deal with picky eaters.
On to the recipe…just a couple of things to point out:
I did use the coconut sugar and if you’re almonds are not ground do that first in the processor before adding the rest of the ingredients.
I recommend you start with making half the recipe to make sure you like it.
If you try the recipe let me know what you think! And have you tried adding vegetables to your bliss balls?


Beet Bliss Balls & Wholesome Child Book Review

Cook Time: 0min
|prep Time: 0min
| total Time: 0min
| servings: 0


  • 1 cup dates, chopped
  • 1/4 cup beets, finely grated
  • 1/4 cup spinach, finely sliced and chopped
  • 11/4 cupsalmond meal (ground almonds)
  • 1 cup finely shredded coconut
  • 1-2 tablespoons chia seeds
  • 1/3 cup coconut sugar (optional)
  • 1/2 cup shredded coconut to roll balls in (optional)


  1. Place spinach and beet into a high-speed processor and process/liquidize until smooth.
  2. Add the remaining ingredient and process until smooth.
  3. Roll into little balls and cover with shredded coconut if you wish (I didn’t)
  4. Place balls in freezer and leave to set.
  5. Best eaten within 15 minutes of removing from the freezer.


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  1. عهد | 23rd Feb 21

    يامال العافية ماعمري جربت اضافة الخضار بس بالحيل متحمسة للتجربة?

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