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Cauliflower Millet Mash & CNE Review

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The combination of cauliflower and millet in this faux mashed potato is absolute genius! Created by the talented and lovable Meghan Telpner, founder of the Culinary Nutrition Expert (CNE) Program, and best-selling author of  Undiet and The Undiet Cookbook.
I have permission from the team at the Academy of Culinary Nutrition to share this recipe with you guys. But what’s more important is to tell you about the CNE program. Wow! What an experience and wealth of knowledge in just 12 weeks. I’m a 2019 graduate of the program, and now a certified instructor with the school. I HIGHLY AND WHOLEHEARTEDLY recommend anyone interested in healthy cooking and eating, or starting a health and wellness related business to take this course. The only thing I regret is not taking it sooner!
I must admit, it’s a lot of work and a serious commitment for 12 weeks. But it’s absolutely worth it. It helped me create my new Fertility Boosting Meal Plan eBook. Speaking of fertility, hormonal balance is vital for optimal fertility, and cauliflower (as well as it’s cruciferous vegetable family) contain indole-3-carbinol, a plant nutrient that helps the body manage estrogen. For more tips on optimizing fertility, what to eat and what foods to avoid, sign up to be the first to know when the Fertility Boosting Ebook is released.
If you’re not interested in getting certified but would like to learn how to cook healthier for yourself or your family, then you have 2 options:
  1. Take the CNE program at the honorary level. That means you get all the course material and videos, but you don’t need to submit any assignments.
  2. Take the new course Everyday Culinary Nutrition, a 4-week online course that will inspire you to start cooking easy, healthy and delicious meals from scratch.
All the recipes are dairy-free, gluten-free and predominantly plant-based.
If you have any questions about the courses, feel free to contact me, it will be my pleasure to assist you.

Now to the recipe!

This cauliflower millet mash is delicious on its own, yup it’s that good. In her book, Meghan uses it as a topping for Shepard’s Pie, which is delicious. So anywhere you would normally use mashed potato, use this healthier alternative. I like it with mushroom “gravy” as in this pasta recipe.
The millet helps give a creamier texture. However, if you don’t have it, and if you would like a grain-free option, then just simply leave it out.
Healthy Cauliflower Mash


Cauliflower Millet Mash & CNE Review

Cook Time: 30min
|prep Time: 10min
| total Time: 40min
| servings: 4


2 1/2 cups water
1 cup millet, soaked 2 hours (if time permits) and rinsed
1 clove garlic, chopped
1 head cauliflower, coarsely chopped
1/4 cup olive oil or organic ghee
Sea salt
Flat-leaf parsley, to garnish


In a medium saucepan, combine the millet with the water and garlic. Cover and bring to a boil, then turn down the heat and let it simmer for about 30 minutes until all the water is absorbed. Remove from the heat, add the oil and stir to mix.
Meanwhile, steam the cauliflower for about 20 minutes until soft. Alternatively, you can boil the cauliflower if you don’t have a steamer available.
Transfer the cooked cauliflower and millet to a food processor and process until smooth. Add sea salt to taste.
Serve hot garnished with parsley, or with this mushroom sauce poured all over.

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  1. Aisha | 13th Mar 20

    هل يصير احط كينوا بدل الدخن لا ما حصلته

    • Arwa Al-Turkait
      Arwa | 13th Mar 20

      ما جربت مو متأكدة. ممكن تجربين مع كمية قلبلة. اوالإستغناء عن الحبوب وبس تستخدمين القرنبيط. جربت من يومين قرنبيط مع بطاطا حلوة كان عجيب.

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