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Sourdough Oat & Seed Bread

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I’m so excited to be sharing this recipe with you. Since I first started making it about 4 months ago, it’s been a weekly staple in my home. Every family member or friend that has tried it has asked for another loaf to be sent ASAP. It’s delicious on it’s own, however I recommend toasting it. And out of this world with some goat cheese or halloumi…but if you’re dairy free, definitely try it with some mashed avocado.
I’m writing this post during Ramadan…and even though this is a perfect bread for breakfast, especially on the go for work, it’s also amazing to have for suhoor. The whole-grains and seeds help fill you up for longer than a regular slice of bread would.
I adapted the recipe from the cookbook of one of my favorite bakeries in London, Gail’s. I not only made it vegan but also made it completely whole-grain, and added some sourdough culture…or starter…or levain…it’s confusing how many terms are used for this incredible living thing that can make the most delicious bread without using yeast. I’ve added a note below on how you can easily make this without using a culture, but if you do go for it please! It’s the perfect way to get rid of any unwanted excess culture. Although I don’t believe you need to throw away any of the culture you have…but that’s a long story for another post!
Now, this isn’t a bread that needs to be kneaded or given time to rise…it’s more of a savory quick bread…like a banana bread for example. Baking powder is used to help the bread rise, and the culture is added for flavor. I repeat don’t shy away from making it because you don’t have any culture, it will still be just as good.
I like making the bread in mini loaf pans. This recipe makes 3, and I usually keep 1 for me and give-away the other two. You can also make 1 bigger loaf or use a muffin pan. Using the loaf pan is better for slicing and toasting. It keeps well in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 1 week. And you can also freeze it for 1 month.
You can use any combination of seeds you like, the more the better! That sprinkling of flaky sea salt at the end really adds a lovely flavor especially with the slightly sweet bread thanks to the molasses.
I used whole-wheat flour in the recipe, but I’ve also made it using spelt with just as good results. Also didn’t notice any difference in taste or texture when I made it with buttermilk or oat milk. I’ve found this recipe to be very forgiving and handles substitutions very well. However, I haven’t tried to make it using gluten-free flours. If you do…please let me know how it turns out.

Sourdough Oat & Seed Bread

Cook Time: 30min
|prep Time: 15min
| total Time: 45min
| servings: 8


80g (almost 1 cup) rolled oats
200g (1 1/4 cups) whole-wheat flour
2 teaspoon baking powder
2 teaspoon salt
80g (1/2 cup) mixed seeds (sesame, nigella, pumpkin, flax, poppy)
100g starter/culture*
300ml (1 1/4 cups) buttermilk or oat milk mixed with 4 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
40ml (8 teaspoons) grapeseed or olive oil
100g (1/3 cup) molasses

35g (1/4 cup) mixed seeds and oats
Scant 1 teaspoon flaky sea salt


1. Pre-heat the oven to 375F or 190C. Line 3 mini loaf pans (15cm by 8cm) or 1 large loaf pan with parchment paper and place on a baking sheet. Set aside.
2. In a large bowl mix together the oats, flour, and baking powder. Then add the seeds and mix in.
3. In a medium bowl mix together the starter, milk, oil, and molasses. Add to the dry mixture and mix until no flour is visible.
4. Pour the mixture into the pan(s) – if using the mini pans it’s about 300g each. Then sprinkle the seeds and flaky salt evenly on top.
5. Transfer the pans on the baking sheet to the oven, and bake for 30minutes if using the mini loaves, and 35-40 mins if using the large loaf pan, just until the top is firm when pressed lightly in the center.
6. Let cool for about 5mins, then remove from the pan and transfer to a wire rack and let cool for about 15 mins before slicing.


If you don’t have Sourdough culture increase the flour to 1 3/4 cups (280g) and the oat milk to 350ml mixed with 2 1/2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar. If you are going to use buttermilk then no need for the vinegar, and just use 350ml.

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  1. Yussra | 6th Jun 19

    من وين احصل على خميره طبيعيه اقصد

    • Arwa Al-Turkait
      Arwa | 7th Jun 19

      لازم تعملينها بنفسج او تاخذينها من احد تعرفينه

  2. عبير | 11th Jul 20

    مرحبا ، يعطيك الف عافيه
    انا عملت الخميره الطبيعيه اول ٣ ايام صار فيها فقاعات و كانت تمام و الايام اللي بعدها ابدا ما تحركت مع اني غذيتها ، هل لازم الماء يكون دافي دايما و هل ينفع آخذ هاي الكميه اللي سويتها اعمل فيها خبز الشوفان مثلا بدل ان ارميها ، و شكرا لك و اسفه على الاطاله

    • Arwa Al-Turkait
      Arwa | 11th Jul 20

      مرحبتين حياك الله عبير

      احتمال لانها صارت اكبر تحتاة كمية اكبر من التغذية

      اتوقع ينفع تسوين خبز الشوفان لانه لا نحتاج تفاعل الخميرة لنجاح الوصفة

  3. روبي | 13th Apr 21

    اتركيها بدون تغذيه يوم ثاني وراح تشوفين التفاعل

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