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Slide Hello, I’m so glad that you are here. I offer one-on-one health and wellness coaching that suits your needs. My method is to focus on practical approaches to reach your goals by making simple and sustainable changes in your lifestyle behaviours. Living well shouldn’t be difficult. It should be fun and enjoyable! That’s my goal for you. to work with you. My name is Arwa, and I would love

+ Are you fed up with going on diet after diet with no success?
+ Are you tired of not knowing what, when, or how to eat normally anymore?
+ Do you want to be able to eat without counting calories or feeling guilty?
+Do you suspect you might have an eating disorder and don’t know where to start?
+ Do you want to live a healthy lifestyle and still ENJOY your life?
+ Do you want to create habits that will support your health for the rest of your life?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then I can help you!

As a Health Coach certified in Intuitive Eating and Eating Disorder Recovery, as well as a Culinary Nutrition Expert, I take a non-diet weight-neutral approach and I am passionate about helping people break free from the never-ending dieting cycle, heal their disordered relationship with food, and recover to live a healthy life that emphasizes both physical and mental health,

And Guess what? If you’ve been trying and failing, it is NOT YOUR FAULT.

The diet industry wants you to fail so you can continue buying their products. The culture we live in makes you think that the pursuit of the perfect body is “normal” even if it means wasting years trying. A new diet will not “fix” your relationship with food or your body - It just makes it worse. Plus it increases the likelihood of weight gain over time, increases the chance that you will develop an eating disorder, and all of that harms both your physical and mental health. 
By working together, I can help you ditch disordered eating forever and start to live the life you deserve. Here’s how we can work together.

Individual Health Coaching

My coaching style is highly individualized. A one-size-fits-all approach does not work in the long run. It will also differ for clients with an eating disorder and teenagers.
The description below is general and will be adjusted depending on the client's needs, goals, and any existing eating disorder:

  • A total of 6 one-on-one online sessions via zoom.
  • The first comprehensive session is 60 minutes in which we review the results of the Health Coaching Questionnaire, your health history, your relationship with food, your main challenges and get clear on your health goals.
  • The second session is 45 minutes long one week later - we review the food journal, focus on understanding hunger and fullness cues, the importance of satisfaction, and start the process of coping with emotions without food.
  • Four follow-up 30-minute sessions in a 4-6 week period - to review progress, troubleshoot, and work in more detail on specific goals.
  • Continuous support through messages between each session.

Here’s some of what we work on during the health coaching sessions:

  • Freedom from the dieting cycle and dieting/eating disorder thoughts
  • Understanding and respecting hunger and fullness
  • Respecting the body as it is now
  • Moving more in a joyful and sustainable way
  • Gaining individualized tools to deal with emotions without using food
  • An action plan to build healthy habits to last a lifetime
  • Reducing stress & improving sleep
  • Simplify cooking & meal planning

Group Health Coaching

My group health coaching includes:

  • The group dynamic brings a rich environment for learning and support from your fellow group members
  • I personally lead the sessions and make sure everyone is being heard and has an opportunity to work on their goals
  • Programs offered have different themes and run at various times during the year, from 4-6 weeks. Please check the Shop page to find out more and when the next one is starting.

Group Coaching programs:

  •  Food Freedom
  • Eating Disorder Recovery

Slide After taking the Food Freedom course I have been able to make peace with all food, and the bouts of binging have disappeared. For the first time I feel free with my food which now aligns with my one of my top personal values in life - freedom.
Badriya, UAE
Slide The Food Freedom course helped me in so many ways, but especially in navigating emotional eating, as well movment fo joy. The worksheets and exercises upcompanying the course are very helpful, and dealing with Arwa is very easy.
Sara, Iraq
Slide Food now occupies a normal place in my life. I stopped categorizing food into good and bad. And once I made the decision to stop dieting, I was able to stop eating past comfortable fullness, or eating too fast and binging.
Shahed, Kuwait
Slide FI had an excellent coaching experience with Arwa. I learned how top understand my body’s cues, stop restricting and stop feeling guilty around food.

Slide HEALTH COACHING Not sure if this program will work for you? Answer the questionnaire to determine if you are suitable for my Intuitive Eating coaching program. I will be in touch within 3 days once you have completed the questionnaire. I will be very honest with you and let you know if you will benefit from the program or not. I don’t take on clients unless they show signs that they are ready and determined to start their journey towards food freedom and living a joyful life without dieting.

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